Access from the user program
Version: 3.0.0
Register number
Process variables
0 to 7
Type register
8 to 15
Manufacturer parameters
16 to 30
User parameters
31 to 47
Extended user area
48 to 63
R0 to R7: Registers in the internal RAM of the terminal
The process variables can be used in addition to the actual process image. Their function is specific to the
R0 to R5: The function of these registers depends on the type of terminal.
R0: Number of data bytes in the transmission FIFO
The low byte contains the number of data in the transmission FIFO. The high byte is not used.
R1: Number of data bytes in the receive FIFO
The low byte contains the number of data in the receive FIFO. The high byte is not used.
R2 to R5: no function
R6: Diagnostic register
The diagnostic register can contain additional diagnostic information. Parity errors, for instance, that
occur in serial interface terminals during data transmission are indicated here.
R6: Diagnostic register
High byte: not used
Low byte: Status of the receive channel (Bit 0 - 7)
Bit no.
Bit 0
The receive buffer has overflowed, incoming data is lost.
Bit 1
A parity error has occurred.
Bit 2
A framing error has occurred.
Bit 3
An overrun error has occurred.
Bit 4
Buffer is full
Bit 5 - 15
Not used, don't change
R7: Command register
High-Byte_Write = function parameter
Low-Byte_Write = function number
High-Byte_Read = function result
Low-Byte_Read = function number
R8 to R15: Registers in the internal ROM of the terminal
The type and system parameters are hard programmed by the manufacturer, and the user can read them
but cannot change them.
R8: Terminal type
The terminal type in register R8 is needed to identify the terminal.
R9: Software version (X.y)
The software version can be read as a string of ASCII characters.
R10: Data length
R10 contains the number of multiplexed shift registers and their length in bits.
The Bus Coupler sees this structure.
R11: Signal channels
Related to R10, this contains the number of channels that are logically present. Thus for example a
shift register that is physically present can perfectly well consist of several signal channels.