Basics communication
EL600x, EL602x
Version: 4.6
Channel-based order
The CoE list is available in EtherCAT devices that usually feature several functionally equivalent channels.
For example, a 4-channel analog 0..10 V input terminal also has 4 logical channels and therefore 4 identical
sets of parameter data for the channels. In order to avoid having to list each channel in the documentation,
the placeholder "n" tends to be used for the individual channel numbers.
In the CoE system 16 indices, each with 255 subindices, are generally sufficient for representing all channel
parameters. The channel-based order is therefore arranged in 16
steps. The parameter range
0x8000 exemplifies this:
• Channel 0: parameter range 0x8000:00 ... 0x800F:255
• Channel 1: parameter range 0x8010:00 ... 0x801F:255
• Channel 2: parameter range 0x8020:00 ... 0x802F:255
• ...
This is generally written as 0x80n0.
Detailed information on the CoE interface can be found in the
on the
Beckhoff website.