Extended functions
Version: 4.3.0
State transitions in the Bus Coupler
If the PROFIBUS DP configuration received does match the Bus Terminal configuration in multi-configuration
mode, the Bus Coupler sets the "static diagnostics" bit in the PROFIBUS DP diagnostic data and delays the
execution of a terminal bus cycle (I/O RUN LED remains off). As soon as the terminal assignment (activated/
not activated) has been written by the PROFIBUS DP master, the Bus Coupler again carries out an
examination of the PROFIBUS DP configuration, and automatically enters cyclic data exchange (the "static
diagnosis" bit in PROFIBUS DP diagnostic data is cleared, and the terminal bus cycle is executed cyclically
(the I/O-RUN LED goes on during the terminal cycle)). Furthermore, the terminal assignment is stored in the
non-volatile memory of the Bus Coupler, so that during a restart of the PROFIBUS DP, the PROFIBUS DP
master does not have to write the terminal configuration again.