Getting Started V1.0
IP address configuration via DHCP
In a network supporting DHCP the IPC@CHIP
retrieves a valid IP configuration from a DHCP
server automatically.
Press the Reset button of your DB54. On the terminal window you will get displayed the boot
messages. Here you will see the serial number, @CHIP-RTOS version, build date and other
information. If an IP configuration could be successfully received from the DHCP server, this IP
configuration will be displayed at the end of the boot messages. In the event of an error, the
DHCP request failed
will be put out after a few seconds.
IP address configuration by hand
The easiest way to configure your IPC@CHIP
’s IP settings by hand is to use the functionality
of the IPC@CHIPTOOL software. In a network without DHCP server your IPC@CHIP
be displayed as
Not configured
since by default DHCP is enabled but no server could be
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