Your Power Flue Fire is designed and manufactured to give many years of trouble free
operation. In the unlikely event of any component failure or installation problem the
appliance will restore to a "fail-safe" condition. However, faults can be caused by situations
other than component failure and we strongly recommend that you consider the following
points when using your fire.
Since the air supply for the fire is drawn by a fan and extracted to the outside air along with
the spent products of combustion, it is inevitable that fluff, lint and even pet hairs could
stick to the fan blades in the flue system. Without regular cleaning during maintenance
checks this build up could slow down the fan to an extent that it may cause the flue flow
safety device to shut down the gas supply to the fire. This "nuisance" shut down can be
avoided by observing the servicing and maintenance recommendations in the Installation
The fan unit is fitted with an electronic control unit that monitors the behaviour of the fan
during the start up procedure and in the event of high gusts of wind. When the fan is
switched on, the controller will set it to run at high speed until the air pressure switch
senses a satisfactory amount of air flow. Once the air flow has been proved the fan will
slow down to its operating speed. If a high gust of wind causes the pressure switch to
return to the 'no air' position, the controller will switch over to the high speed setting to
overcome the wind. The pressure switch will then switch back and the controller will return
the fan to its operating speed. In the event of the gust of wind being more persistent, the
controller will maintain the fan at high speed for approximately 6 seconds. If the pressure
switch has not sensed a return of airflow in this time the controller will shut down the whole
system. In this event the fire will go out and will only relight if the ON switch on the switch
panel is pressed.
When first switched on the fan may 'pulse' between the high and low operating speeds.
This is normal providing the fan runs at a steady speed after 10 -15 minutes of use with
the fire alight.