TeleGPS Application
This document is released under the terms of the Creative Commons ShareAlike 3.0 license.
3.4.2. Keyhole Markup Language (for Google Earth)
This is the format used by Google Earth to provide an overlay within that application. With this, you can
use Google Earth to see the whole path in 3D.
3.5. Load Maps
Figure 3.9. Load Maps Window
Before heading out to a new launch site, you can use this to load satellite images in case you don’t have
internet connectivity at the site.
There’s a drop-down menu of launch sites we know about; if your favorites aren’t there, please let us
know the lat/lon and name of the site. The contents of this list are actually downloaded from our server
at run-time, so as new sites are sent in, they’ll get automatically added to this list. If the launch site isn’t
in the list, you can manually enter the lat/lon values
There are four different kinds of maps you can view; you can select which to download by selecting as
many as you like from the available types:
A combination of satellite imagery and road data. This is the default view.
Just the satellite imagery without any annotation.
Roads, political boundaries and a few geographic features.
Contour intervals and shading that show hills and valleys.