TeleGPS Application
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3.7. Close
This closes the current window, leaving any other windows open and the application running.
3.8. Exit
This closes all TeleGPS windows and terminates the application.
3.9. Connect Device
Selecting this item brings up a dialog box listing all of the connected TeleDongle devices. When you
choose one of these, AltosUI will display telemetry data as received by the selected TeleDongle device.
Figure 3.11. Device Selection Dialog
3.10. Disconnect
Disconnects the currently connected TeleDongle or TeleBT
3.11. Scan Channels
Figure 3.12. Radio Scanning Dialog
Scans the configured set of frequencies looking for telemetry signals. A list of all of the discovered
signals is show; selecting one of those and clicking on
will select that frequency in the
associated TeleGPS application window.
3.12. Download Data
TeleGPS records data to its internal flash memory. On-board data is recorded at the same rate as
telemetry but is not subject to radio drop-outs. As such, it generally provides a more complete and
precise record. The
Download Data
menu entry allows you to read the flash memory and write it to disk.