BD Alaris™ neXus GP Volumetric Pump
Technical Data
BDDF00558 Issue 5
IrDA, RS232 and Nursecall Specification
IrDA / RS232 / Nursecall Feature
The IrDA (or RS232 / Nursecall optional feature) is a feature that allows the Pump to be connected to an external device
for the purpose of data communication .
The nursecall interface provides a remote backup to the internal audible alarm. It should not be relied
upon to replace monitoring of the internal alarm. The signal leaves the IrDA port and the RS232 for
Nurse call within one second after the alarm condition is detected.
Refer to the
Technical Service Manual
for further information regarding the RS232 interface.
The assessment for the suitability of any software used in the clinical environment to control receive
data from the Pump lies with the User of the equipment. This software should include detection of the
disconnection or other failure of the RS232 cable.
Any connected analogue and digital components are required to meet IEC/EN60950 for data processing
and IEC/EN 60601 for medical devices. Anyone connecting additional devices to the signal input or
output is a system configurator and responsible for meeting the requirements of the system standard
IEC/EN 60601-1-1.
To connect to the RS232 port use spare part 1000SP01183 – RS232 cable.
RS232 / Nursecall Connection Data
Nursecall Specification:
D Type – 9 Pin
EIA RS232-C Standard
Baud Rate
115k Baud
Start Bits
1 Start Bit
Data Bits
8 Data Bits
No Parity
Stop Bits
1 Stop Bit
Nurse Call Relay Contacts
Pins 1, 8 + 9, 30V DC, 1A rating
Typical Connection Data:
1 . Nursecall (Relay) Normally Closed
2 . Transmit Data (TXD) Output
3 . Received Data (RXD) Input
4 . DTR
DSR (6)
5 . Ground (GND)
6 . DSR
DTR (4)
7 . Not used
8 . Nursecall (Relay) Normally Open
9 . Nursecall (Relay) Common
Baud Rate
115k Baud
Start Bits
1 Start Bit
Data Bits
8 Data Bits
No Parity
Stop Bits
1 Stop Bit