CIT 400
5.5 Menu list
Menu level diSP - parameter of the display (mode)
The menus "dIS1" to "dIS6" determine the display mode.
Display - scaled measurement value
Indicates the scaled measurement value on the display. The indicated
value may vary between 0.000 and 9999. Confirm with Enter after select-
ing "dIS1" in order to activate this mode.
Display - input in mA
Indicates the input signal in mA on the display. In this mode, the unit vir-
tually operates as a mA-meter which indicates the sensor current. Con-
firm with Enter after selecting "dIS2" in order to activate this display
Display - input in %
Indicates the input signal as percentage on the display. The value ranges
between 0 and 100 % and has a direct relation to the sensor signal
which varies within a range of 4 to 20 mA. Confirm with
Enter after selecting "dlS3" in order to activate this display mode.
Display - analogue output in %
Indicates the output signal as percentage on the display. The value rang-
es between 0 and 100 % and has a direct relation to the analogue out-
put of the transmitter which varies within a range of 4 to 20 mA (depend-
ing on the value selected in menu "outY"). Confirm with Enter after se-
lecting "dlS4" in order to activate this display mode.
Display - scaled measurement value with offset and display offset
Indicates the scaled measurement value with the added offset on the
display. The indicated value may vary between 0.000 and 9999. The dis-
play offset must be entered in the menu "dIS5". Confirm with Enter after
selecting "dlS5" in order to activate this display mode. The value set here
will be used as display offset and will be added to the investigated meas-
urement value. Use the arrow keys to enter the numeric value and con-
firm with Enter.
Display - output in mA
Indicates the output signal in mA on the display. In this mode, the unit
virtually operates as a mA-meter which represents the analogue output
of the transmitter. This is essential for the user to check the signal circuit
to operate correctly and if subsequent evaluation units indicate the same
values. Confirm with Enter after selecting "dlS6" in order to activate this
display mode.