CIT 400
pressure and level
Menu level SinP - parameter of signal input (analogue input)
The subordinate menu items are used to define the measurement span of the analogue input
for 4 mA and 20 mA.
Signal input - starting point of measuring range
The measurement value for the analogue input at 4 mA must be entered
here. Normally this value is 0, which means 0 m at 4 mA in case of a
pressure probe with a measurement range of 0 to 6 m water column
height. Use the arrow keys to enter the numeric value and confirm with
Signal input - end point of measuring range
The measurement value for the analogue input at 20 mA must be en-
tered here. Normally this is the maximum measurement span, resulting
from the example above, i. e. a value of 6. Use the arrow keys to enter
the numeric value and confirm with Enter.
Signal input - decimal point position
Here you can define the decimal point position. Use the arrow keys to
move the decimal point and confirm with Enter.
Menu level Lin - parameter of the linearization
Via this menu level, you can linearize the input signal (sensor) by a supporting point. This func-
tion is essential when the sensor signal is not linear to the output signal of the process transmit-
ter. By this function, it is possible to get an output signal nearly linear to the filling volume in ir-
regular shaped tanks.
Linearization - activation / deactivation
With this menu, the linearization can be switched on or off. In the switch-
off mode, the supporting points are not taken into account.
Linearization - number of supporting points
In this menu, the number of supporting points has to be set. The permis-
sible range is set from 2 to 32 supporting points.
Linearization - input signal of supporting points
in n
In this menu, the first part of the supporting points has to be defined,
whereas "n" in the menu designation is replaced by the number of the
supporting point (in 1, in 2, ... in32). The sensor signal of the respective
supporting point which lies on the input must be entered. In the following
menu, the corresponding output signal must be set. The input value is
based on the scaling limits defined in the menu level
Linearization - output signal of the supporting points
ou n
In this menu, the second part of the supporting points has to be defined,
whereas "n" in the menu designation is replaced by the value of the re-
spective supporting point (ou 1, ou 2, ... ou32). The value has to be en-
tered corresponding to the value for reaching a supporting point. Be-
tween two supporting points, the course is linear. Please note that the
supporting points must be entered in ascending sequence, i. e. the value
for n+1 has to be higher than the value for n. The output signal on the
analogue output is developed by the indicated value, whereas the pa-
rameters from the menu level
are used.