4.7.10 PowerOn by Ring
Enables or disables Power On by Ring.
4.7.11 Resume by Alarm
Enables or disables alarm function to POWER ON the system.
4.7.12 Date(of Month) Alarm
Select one: Everyday, 1 to 31.
4.7.13 Time (Hour) Alarm
Set hh with 0-23.
4.7.14 Time(Min.) Alarm
Set mm with 0-59.
4.7.15 Wake Up On LAN
Enable or disable WOL feature.
4.7.16 IRQ[3-7,8-15],NMI
Enable or disable IRQ Global Timer Events.
4.7.17 Primary IDE 0
Enables or disables monitor for Primary IDE 0 for Green event.
4.7.18 Primary IDE 1
Enables or disables monitor for Primary IDE 1 for Green event.
4.7.19 Secondary IDE 0
Enables or disables monitor for Secondary IDE 0 for Green event.
4.7.20 Secondary IDE 1
Enables or disables monitor for Secondary IDE 1 for Green event.
4.7.21 Floppy Disk
Enables or disables monitor Floppy Disk for Green event.
4.7.22 Serial Port
Enables or disables monitor Serial Port for Green event.