BCM Advanced Research
This product’s software is referred to as “BIOS” (Basic Input and Output Subroutine),
the BIOS resides as
in a non-volatile memory device using Flash technology.
This technology gives the user the ability to be able to update the BIOS and
accommodate changes to features or optimizations to better the performance of the
system. The user need only to load a diskette with the new BIOS firmware and follow
the manufacturer instructions to update the BIOS.
This product will have an Award Software, Inc. developed system Flash BIOS. The
BIOS will have a menu driven SETUP utility. The specific features & implementation
requirements are to be provided by the OEM Customer if so desired
BIOS Setup
The SETUP Menu on your BIOS maybe slightly different than the one represented in
here. Different OEMs will require certain user access to advanced functions while other
OEMs may not allow the user any access at all. The exact BIOS Menu representation
can be extracted from the BIOS supplied with your platform.