119136-D Rev. 00
NauticaRS 5.016R Release Notes for Nautica 200
As an example, to set up a path on a Nautica 4000 to call back to
a remote Win95 DUN user:
callback-type pre-spec <--- router uses CBCP callback
callback-dir incoming <--- original call is incoming to therouter
callback-delay 10
<--- wait 10 secs before calling back
callback number
<--- not used in this example
isdn-num 1/$5551234 <--- number to call user back on
($ = modem)
This example is for a Nautica 200 calling into a central site that
will call the N200 user back. In this example the callback number
is pre-configured in the central router, or security server at the
central site:
callback-type pre-spec <--- router uses CBCP callback
callback-dir outgoing
<--- original call is outgoing from N200
callback-delay 10
<--- wait 10 secs before calling back
callback number
<--- not used in this example
isdn-num 1/5558888
<--- number to call Central site