Tab.29 Px type error codes
Causes and corrective actions
High pressure error
Domestic hot water tank empty: fill the domestic hot
water tank with water.
Manual refrigerant valve closed: check the valve
Refrigeration tube pinched: check the refrigeration
Excess refrigerant fluid: check the refrigerant fluid
Non-condensables present: top up the refrigerant flu
Water temperature sensor T5L poorly inserted in the
sensor tube: check the positioning of the sensor T5L.
Electrical overconsumption error on the compressor
Domestic hot water tank empty: fill the domestic hot
water tank with water.
Manual refrigerant valve closed: check the valve
Refrigeration tube pinched: check the refrigeration
Excess refrigerant fluid: check the refrigerant fluid
Refrigerant fluid fault: check the refrigerant fluid con
Non-condensables present: top up the refrigerant flu
Water temperature sensor T5L poorly inserted in the
sensor tube: check the positioning of the sensor T5L.
Discharge temperature error: too high
Domestic hot water tank empty: fill the domestic hot
water tank with water.
Manual refrigerant valve closed: check the valve
Refrigeration tube pinched: check the refrigeration
Excess refrigerant fluid: check the refrigerant fluid
Refrigerant fluid fault: check the refrigerant fluid con
Non-condensables present: top up the refrigerant flu
Water temperature sensor T5L poorly inserted in the
sensor tube: check the positioning of the sensor T5L.
Air temperature information outside the operating limits
Air temperature outside the operating limits of the heat
The electrical back-up ensures the production of do
mestic hot water.
Consumption error on the electrical back-up
The heat pump continues to operate but without electri
cal back-up
Consumption on the electrical back-up too low:
check the connection of the electrical back-up.
Consumption on the electrical back-up too high:
check the immersion heater.
If the set point temperature is greater than or equal
to 65 °C: set the thermostat to maximum.
Error on the main controller
Main controller damaged: replace the main controller.
Frost protection running
Domestic hot water tank installed in a room exposed
to frost: install the domestic hot water tank in a frost-
free room.
4-way valve blocked in cold mode: unblock or re
place the 4-way valve.
11 Troubleshooting
7740321 - v04 - 03122019
SPC Split