Baxi NUVOLA PREMIX 23 Installers And Users Instructions Download Page 34




CM1 =

Hovedkontakt omskifter Of

f – Sommer - vinter

Main contact switch Of

f - Summer - W


CM2 =

Forbindelse manuel programmeringparametre

Manual programming parameters connection

CM3 =

Forbindelse serieprogrammeringsparametre

Serial programming parameters connection

M1 =

Forsyning program

Programme supply

M8 =

Forbindelse kontaktprogrammering

Contact programming connection

P1 =

Potentiometer varmesystem

Heating system potentiometer

P2 =

Potentiometer varmtvand

Hot water potentiometer





B = hvid - white

C = lyseblå - light blue

G = gul - yellow

M = brun - brown

N = sort - black

R = rød - red

V = grøn - green

G/V = gul/grøn - yellow/green


Wiring diagram

Summary of Contents for NUVOLA PREMIX 23

Page 1: ... Installer s and User s instructions 0085AS0525 PREMIX 23 Væghængt kondenserende gaskedel med indbygget varmtvandsbeholder DK NUVOLA PREMIX 23 DK 137394 2 Rev Dec 01 Wall mounted condensing gas boilers with built in hot water cylinder ...

Page 2: ... tilgængelig for børn da det repræsenterer en farekilde Dear Customer Our company is confident that your new boiler will comply with your requirements The purchase of a BAXI product will satisfy your expectations regarding efficient operation for instance in terms of simple and functional working Do not put these instructions to one side until you have read through them They contain useful informa...

Page 3: ...lsynets forskrifter IMPORTANT All safety functions of the boiler such as frost protection protection of the pump 3 way valve etc operate only when the general electricity supply to the boiler is on In addition the SUMMER WINTER selector switch must not be in the 0 position Standards and regulations for Denmark The applicable standards and regulations must be followed during mounting and installati...

Page 4: ...o installation The boiler heats water to a temperature below boiling point It must be connected to a heating system which corresponds to its characteristics Before the boiler is connected by professionals the following operations must be carried out a Thorough cleaning of pipes in order to remove deposits b It is necessary to check whether the boiler is intended for operation with the type of gas ...

Page 5: ...t indstilles en smule højere Fig 2 9610170400 Room temperature adjustment NUVOLAPREMIX 23 is equipped with a weather compensating device When the outside probe supplied is connected the boiler temperature is automatically adjusted depending on the selected heating curve and the outside temperature When the outside probe is connected the thermostat switch 9 does not have a function The room tempera...

Page 6: ...sory The boiler may be fitted with a remote control A remote control is a room device which can be installed in a living room It is possible to input change the setting of the boiler on the remote control and to see the settings It is possible to set the water and room temperature for day and night on the remote control and to read off these settings The remote control also allows the periods to b...

Page 7: ... only operate when an outside probe has been fitted Service instructions In order to ensure satisfactory operation and safety of the boiler it should be checked by a service firm at the end of the heating period The recommended service interval is 2 years Athorough service will always lead to an energy saving Do not clean the outside of the boiler with scouring powder or with ag gressive and or ea...

Page 8: ...t to 0 and then back again to This wait does not occur if the selector switch 11 is set to The following explanations and technical instructions are addressed to the installer and are intended to ensure faultless installation Instructions for starting and operation of the boiler can be found in the User s instructions Installation setting and first start up must only be undertaken by an approved e...

Page 9: er vist et hus hvor alle mulighederne med vandret balanceret aftræk er vist Maksimal længde af aftræk er 9 m 1 bøjning V1 Vandret balanceret aftræk til enten venstre eller højre side V2 Vandret balanceret aftræk bagud V3 Vandret balanceret aftræk til anden højde end kedlens aftræk maks 1 stk 90 bøjning Lodret balanceret aftræk L1 til L6 Hosstående er vist et hus hvor alle muligheder med lodret ...

Page 10: ...loftrum min 70 m3 Yderligere data se følgende sider L3 This shows the pipe layout with the boiler to the right of the chimney L5 Vertical balanced flue with 2 90 bends inserted L6 Vertical balanced flue with double pipe from boiler to disused chimney where the air is taken out from the chimney via the flue pipe Split flue S1 to S5 The accompanying diagrams show all the options with split flue Maxi...

Page 11: distances from woodwork and meter cupboards etc BALANCED FLUE HORIZONTALorVERTICALDOUBLE PIPE There are no distance requirements from external double pipe to woodwork for flue solution L3 see distance requirements for split solutions In addition the following distance requirements must be observed HORIZONTAL positioning of air intake flue outlet Min distance mm From vertical outlet pipe 75 Fro...

Page 12: ...ully and insulate where necessary HORIZONTAL BALANCED FLUE Double pipe V1 V2 and V3 system Maximum length of the horizontal balanced flue is 10 metres minus 1 m for 90 bend 9 metres The flue pipes the extensions may be fitted freely before or after the bend REMEMBER On the horizontal section there must be a slope of 1 cm per metre towards the boiler Tilslutningssæt VANDRET består af 1 stk bøjning ...

Page 13: ...a Ø 107 115 hole in the wall 5 Measure the distance from the contact point in the bend to the outer side of the wall 18 mm mark out the direct measurement on the pipe 6 Shorten the internal and external pipe by the same amount this should be done at the end without the grating 7 Assemble the pipes and push them into the bend Ensure that the pipe with the grill is turned so that it projects neatly ...

Page 14: ...Air intake flue outlet VERTICAL Put the connecting set for vertical outlet on the boiler s flue outlet Make the opening through the ceiling and roof protect the connecting set from getting dirty Measure the pipe length and shorten it If a parallel displacement of the vertical balance flue system is necessary do this by inserting 2 x 45 elbow pieces as shown if necessary 2 x 90 bends If necessary a...

Page 15: ...certain loss of pressure in the double pipeA the table indicates the maximum height H in relation to the length of A A m 0 1 1 2 2 3 H max m 15 12 9 Taggennemføring m hætte Roof duct with cover Skorstenen skal være afmeldt og skal være renset meget omhyggeligt for at undgå at der suges snavs ind i gaskedlen Minimum diameter af skorsten Ø 130 Max længde af aftræk se tabel nederst 1 Benyt silikone e...

Page 16: ... 1 cap for the chimney 1 roof duct with cover 1 split connecting set Ø 80 In addition the following must be used Straight pipe Ø 80 for air or flue gas use rust resistant for flue gas aluminium for air Maximum total length of flue air pipe 10 10 m minus 1 m for each 90 bend 0 5 m for each 45 bend 15 30 45 or 90 bend use rust resistant for flue gas aluminium for air Wall bushes If necessary pipe cl...

Page 17: ...f tapping rust resistant screws or pop rivets not provided 4 Attach the split connecting set to the boiler as shown above 5 The pipe is taken from the flue pipe in the chimney to the boiler 6 Air intake is taken to the chimney either above or below the flue outlet 7 The air intake must be secured so that it cannot be moved thereby restricting the air intake in the chimney Distance from flammable m...

Page 18: ...ipe with cover Ø80 rust resistant Flue Ø80 aluminium Air intake Læbetætning Lip seal Split tilslutningssættet monteres på kedlen som anført nedenfor Luftindtag Til luft anvendes aluminium System S1 Luftrist fastgøres med de med flg rawlplug og rustfri skruer udvendig på mur Der tætnes evt omkring rist med silikone System S2 Luft fra uudnyttet tagrum på min 70 m3 Medflg luftrist anvendes ovenpå rør...

Page 19: ...the drip edge on the Insulated flue pipe with cover The pipe is taken from the flue outlet pipe in the chimney to the boiler Distance from flammable materials must be as laid down in the Gas Regulations regarding a flue duct section 5 5 that is to say On all sides there must be a clearance of at least 50 mm from the outer edge of the flue pipe to flammable materials The flue pipe MUST be insulated...

Page 20: ... On all sides there must be clearance of at least 50 mm from the outer edge of the flue pipe to flammable materials The flue pipe MUST be insulated with a minimum of 25 mm mineral wool from and including the first wall duct up to and including the end The mineral wool insulation must be taken through the flammable material and if necessary end at least 100 mm from it Horizontal flue pipes must be ...

Page 21: ... set to the boiler as shown below The air pipe installation starts from here We recommend that they be insulated against condensation The installation sequence start from the boiler or from the wall duct as you wish For example you may start by installing the wall duct attached to a straight pipe section then lay the pipes from the boiler which is connected in this way to the wall duct discharge i...

Page 22: ...ct section 5 5 that is to say On all sides there must be clearance of at least 50 mm from the outer edge of the flue pipe to flammable materials The flue pipe MUST be insulated with a minimum of 25 mm mineral wool from and including the first wall duct up to and including the end The mineral wool insulation must be taken through the flammable material and if necessary end at least 100 mm from it H...

Page 23: ...escribed in the previous section remove the jumper from between terminal 1 and 2 push the cable through the cable duct and connect it to the two terminals NOTE Only a room thermostat with a voltage free contact bank may be connected Connecting the outside probe thermostat for floor heating remote control The outside probe for remote control and the thermostat for floor heating are connected to the...

Page 24: er ikke i funktion i denne situation For nærmere informationer om installation og progammering henvises til fjernbetjeningens instruktion Termostat til gulvvarme Fjern lusen over klemme 1 og 2 og tilslut termostatkablet OBS Til gulvvarme må der ikke anvendes termostat med formod stand Tilslutningsledningernes ender må ikke stå under spænding Vigtigt Er der tilsluttet både udeføler og fjernbetje...

Page 25: ...time switch accessory Remove the 2 screws which secure the instrument panel of the boiler controls to the boiler and pivot the instrument panel downwards Remove 5 screws from the cover of the instrument panel and pivot this upwards Connect the motor of the time switch to terminal 3 and 4 on the main printed circuit board in the top right hand corner shiny spade The time switch is connected to term...

Page 26: ...e 1 og 2 skal der ikke tages hensyn til ved denne model 9 Indstilling af ventilatorens efterløb Denne parameter må ikke ændres 10 Indstilling af antal startforsøg af brænderen Changing the input value of the parameter see table 1 When the desired parameter number is shown on the display release all buttons Now press button 8 once to show the current input value of the selected parameter Then press...

Page 27: ... tændes ved omskifter SOMMER VINTER og der kontrolleres at der er et varmebehov sørg for at husets radiator anlæg er helt åben så kedlen kan komme af med varmen 2 Skorstensfejerknap 7 trykkes 10 sekunder indtil den blinkende kode 25 vises i displayet 3 Den minimale varmeydelse af kedlen indstilles med betjeningsknap 9 4 Kontroller nu om OFF SET den på mikromanometeret aflæste trykværdi er 0 Hvis i...

Page 28: maksimalt 60 C For at opnå en højere temperatur drejes termostaten 10 i urets retning og omvendt hvis temperaturen skal sænkes For at opnå en energibesparende drift anbefales det at indstille termostaten på comfort Om vinteren skal varmtvandstemperaturen evt indstilles en smule højere Elektronisk flammemodulation Den elektroniske kontrolindretning indstiller brænderens ydelse afhængig af det øj...

Page 29: ...svarlig for varmekredsløbet the burner if the water in the primary circuit gets overheated In this case there is an emergency cut out of the boiler It cannot be restarted until the cause of the alarm has been removed Then press button 2 for 2 seconds This safety device must not be deactivated Flue gas thermostat This device is located in the flue outlet within the boiler and interrupts the gas sup...

Page 30: ...eret idet der trykkes på knap 7 på instrumentpanelet i 5 sekunder indtil den blinkende kode 07 i displayet ses Under denne indstilling holdes kedelydelsen 20 minutter på den maksimalt programmerede ydelse Så snart kedlen har nået en fremløbstemperatur på 80 C slukker kedlen For at stoppe denne funktion inden 20 minutter er gået slukkes der med omskifter SOMMER VINTER 11 og derefter tændes der igen...

Page 31: ...n der installeres en hane 48 som anbringes ved siden af varmeveksleren se fig 12 9606100601 Requirements regarding water quantity pump pressure at the heating surfaces The pump has a large head and is suitable for all appliances with a single or double pipe system The pump housing incorporates an automatic ventilation valve which allows rapid ventilation of the heating system The pump is intended ...

Page 32: ...s På trykmålestudsen der er anbragt på det øverste låg af brændkammeret kontrolleres der om trykket i brændkammerets indre ved maksimal kedelydelse ikke overskrider 4 mbar Er trykket højere skal varmevekslernes kanaler urenheder og røgaftrækket forstoppelser kontrolleres Servicing instructions The working of the following components must be checked regularly and cleaned Stainless steel heat exchan...

Page 33: luft 41 Vandlås for kondensatvand 42 Tilslutningsrør røgaftræk 43 Luftkasse 44 Tilslutning til luftindtag 45 Tilslutning til luft gas blanding 46 Trykmålestuds i brændkammeret 47 Røggastermostat 48 Aftapningshane kedel CAPTIONS 13 Gas valve 14 Domestic cold water valve 15 12 l min flow valve flow limiter 16 Gas control 17 Manometer 18 Adjustable bypass 19 Boiler return filter 20 Flow switch 21 ...

Page 34: ...ngsparametre Serial programming parameters connection M1 Forsyning program Programme supply M8 Forbindelse kontaktprogrammering Contact programming connection P1 Potentiometer varmesystem Heating system potentiometer P2 Potentiometer varmtvand Hot water potentiometer KABELFARVE CABLE COLOURS B hvid white C lyseblå light blue G gul yellow M brun brown N sort black R rød red V grøn green G V gul grø...

Page 35: ... kPa Technical data Category I2H Maximum load High kW 25 3 Maximum output without condensing kW 22 8 Minimum output kW 6 5 Maximum output during condensing kW 23 9 Minimum output during condensing kW 6 8 Efficiency at 50 30 C 105 Efficiency in accordance with EU Directive 92 42 Maximum water pressure in the appliance bar 2 5 Expansion vessel volume l 7 5 Expansion vessel pre set pressure bar 0 5 M...

Page 36: ...ontrakt over for tredjemand BAXI Smedevej DK 6880 Tarm Denmark Tel 45 97 37 15 11 Fax 45 97 37 24 34 E mail baxi baxi dk www baxi dk BAXI has always endeavoured to develop and improve its products and therefore reserves the right to alter the data set out in these instructions at any time and without notification These instructions are purely informa tive and do not constitute a contract vis à vis...
