Operating manual
BAUER Submersible Motor Pump
/ Version X-2010
EC Declaration of Conformity
according to EC Directive 2006/42/EC
The manufacturer
Röhren- und Pumpenwerk BAUER Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Kowaldstraße 2, 8570 Voitsberg, Austria
phone +43 3142 200-0; fax: +43 3142 200-320/-340
herewith confirms that the machine mentioned below
Designation of machine
Submersible Motor Pump Magnum S
Machine type / basic units
S4, S5,5, S7,5, S11 and S15
Consists of
Submersible Motor Pump with lifting and
corresponds analogously to the requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
In case of a modification of the machine not accorded with FAN GmbH, this declaration will cease to be
The following standards as amended have been applied analogously:
DIN EN ISO 12100-1
Safety of machines – Basic concepts, general principles for design,
Part 1: Basic terminology, metodology
DIN EN ISO 12100-2
Safety of machines – Basic concepts, general principles for design,
Part 2: Technical principles and specfications
DIN EN 60204-1
Safety of machines - Electrical equipment of machines,
Part 1: General requirements
EN ISO 14121-1
Safety of machines – Risk assessment
Norms related to products
EN ISO 13857
Safety of machines, safety clearance to secure no touching hazard area with
upper extremities.
DIN EN 349
Safety of machine, minimum clearance to avoid crushing body parts
DIN EN 809
Pumps and pump units for liquids - Common safety requirements
The documents belonging to the machine according to annex VII, part B have been attached.
Person in charge of documentation:
Thomas Theissl, Kowaldstraße 2, 8570 Voitsberg, Austria,
Technical Designer in Charge
Commercial Manager