Tech 500
User Guide rev1.0
JUNE 2013
Proper tool positioning is important to insure sensor activation and decode. Place the Tech500
on the tire, at the TPMS sensor, pointed toward the sensor location as shown above.
Sensor Activation/ Test
LF Activated Sensors
To test a sensor the tool should be placed alongside the valve stem
and the ‘Test’ key pressed.
(Note with Ford Banded sensor’s, the tool should be held
180°away from the stem.)
Magnet Activated Sensors
If the TPM requires a magnet, place the magnet over the
stem and then place the tool alongside the stem- while
pressing the test key.
Delta P activated sensors
If the sensor requires tire deflation (of the order of 10PSI), then deflate the tire and place the
tool alongside the stem while pressing the test key.