points for each channel. A maximum number of 8 points can be set for each channel. Moreover,
each channel can be set completely independently, meaning that X can have 2 points, Y can have
4 points and Z no points. The button “Restore” allows to reset the name and the values defined.
NOTE: If an alarm is defined on a user-defined norm, it is not possible to
set the trigger value
higher than the alarm threshold. The reason is the fact that the frequency must be calculated and
therefore an event must be created. Contrarily, in case the alarm is based on “Level”, the trigger
can be chosen even higher than the alarm level.
Background recording
The alarms can be based also on background recording. It is possible to have simultaneously an
alarm on the background recording and another one on the trigger recording.
The possibilities for the background recording are:
User defined
In case of “VSUM”, a threshold level for the Vector Sum of the 3 channels must be defined. If this
option is activated, in the section Start → Background recording, the mode “Peak + Vector sum”
must be activated (Subsection 5.1.4).
If the choice of the alarm is the “User-defined” norm, then clicking on “Edit” in the field “Settings”
leads to another window, shown in Fig. 5.4.5. It is possible to give a name to the norm and then to
add the desired number of points for each channel. A maximum number of 8 points can be set for
each channel. Moreover, each channel can be set completely independently, meaning for example
that X can have 4 points, Y no points and Z 3 points. The button “Restore” allows to reset the name
and the values defined.
Figure 5.4.5. Settings for a user-defined norm for a background recording.