P-600 SIC Analyzer Manual
Chapter IV: Programming
Chapter IV: Programming
Menu Navigation
The P-600 Salt in Crude Analyzer is programmed and controlled via a magnetic keypad on the front of the
Upper Control Enclosure (see Figure 4-1). This eliminates the need for opening the enclosure to change
operational settings. A magnetic pencil is supplied with the instrument for this purpose.
Figure 4-1: Magnetic Keypad
To enter or exit the analysis mode, move to a new menu or within menu items, change a displayed value,
the operator simply touches a magnet to the designated location on the keypad. These locations function
as follows:
Advance Screen Key
controls displayed screen. It moves out of the submenus (screen by
screen) to the highest hierarchy screen, which is Main Run screen. From there, tapping Advance
Screen Key will cycle between Main Menu and Main Run screen. It is also used to decline window
Index Key
scrolls through the various items available within a specific screen
. The “active” menu
line is highlighted (white bar) by reversing the background and foreground colors. Once you reach
the last menu item, the indicator returns to the top of the menu.
Enter Key
accesses submenu or runs a command associated with a selected menu item. It is
also used to confirm window messages.
▲▼ (Up/Down Arrow) Keys —
change the displayed value for the indicated item. Depending on
the specific item, it will either change the status of the selection, cycle through a list of available
selections, or increase/decrease the value.
Main Menu
This menu is used to place the Analyzer ONLINE and OFFLINE. It also provides access to the all the
various submenus. To access the Main Run screen (
), touch the Advance Screen key. From
the Main Run screen, touch Advance Screen again to return to the Main Menu. Touch the Index key to
advance to the next menu selection.