Installation Instruction
RFID UHF Add-On Module
Type B7-A2Z0-0032
Technical data subject to change.
EN 2/11
Safety Instructions
The RFID UHF Add-On module may only be operated in a clean,
undamaged condition and may only be deployed within the specified temperature class and the
temperature range indicated for it. Special Conditions for explosion protection must be observed.
The assembly/dismantling must be conducted by qualified personnel authorised and trained to install
electrical components in potentially explosive areas.
The use in areas other than those specified or alteration of the product releases BARTEC from
liability for defects and further liability. Modifications and changes to the module are not permitted.
The generally applicable statutory regulations and other binding guidelines on occupational health
and safety, on accident prevention and on environmental protection must be complied with.
Danger, Warning and Note Symbols
Safety instructions and warnings are specially
highlighted in this installation instruction and marked by symbols.
The DANGER sign draws attention to a direct threat which if not avoided will lead to death or very
serious injuries.
WARNING draws attention to a possible threat which if not avoided can lead to death or very
serious injuries.
CAUTION draws attention to a possible danger which if not avoided can lead to slight or minor
ATTENTION draws attention to a potentially damaging situation which if not avoided can cause
damage to the equipment or to objects in its vicinity.
Important instructions and information on effective, economical & environmentally
compatible handling.