RDG603A63 - Issue 10
Page 55 of 104
To replace an illumination bulb:
Release the panel from its mounting. The bulbs
are accessible from the rear of the panel. Remove the wires, unscrew the nut and pull
out the bulb housing from the panel. Remove the bulb and replace. Refit bulb housing,
screw the nut back up and refit the wires.
To replace any gauge:
Release the panel from its mounting. The gauges are
accessible from the rear of the panel. Unplug the wire connectors, unscrew and pull
the gauge out of the panel. Replace the gauge and refit. Reattach the wiring
Periodically squirt a lubricant into the key switch slot when the key has been
removed (see Section 8
Service Schedule). A lubricant such as WD40
with silicon,
would be suitable. Other lubricants are available. Then with the battery master switch
turned off, operate the key switch a couple of times. This will ensure the lubricant
works into the mechanism.