Inserting Icecast metadata to the audio stream
Meta data are additional information in the audio stream that can be displayed on the
receiving audio player. An example of such meta data is song information matching the
currently played song. On the Instreamer ICE, this metadata can be added over the serial
RS232 interface or over the TCP port 10000.
To complement your stream with metadata, follow the instructions below:
Using RS232 port for Meta database
To insert metadata over RS232, connect your PC with a serial null-modem cable or a serial
cross cable to the Instreamer ICE. On the PC, open a serial terminal emulator ( e.g. Termite
or Hyperterminal) with following settings115200 baud, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow
control. Make sure Linefeed (0x0a) is sent as termination character.
Note: Please refrain from using the character ‘ (single quote) in this release.
Using TCP port for Meta data
The Instreamer ICE offers this function over port TCP port 10000.
Open TCP connection to this port and send your data string terminated by a Linefeed
Note: Please refrain from using the character ‘ (single quote) in this release.
Released: “Date”
Instreamer ICE
User Manual