On the page all playlists with their corresponding time settings are displayed, marking also the
current one. An example view of the page is shown on Illustration 2.
If the application is not running for some reason, or the device hasn't completed the boot up
process, an “Error 405” may appear in your browser when you try to load the playlists page.
Directory Listing Page
To navigate to the Directory Listing Page click on the “Music Files” button from the navigation
bar. Click on the (A-Z) or “Filesize” to sort the contents of the player directory in
ascending/descending order by name, or file size. Select any file with the checkboxes, then
click “Delete Selected Files” to delete them.
Web Interface
Illustration 2: FTP MP3 Playlists page
Illustration 3: FTP MP3 Directory
Listing Page