updates. Only "completed" playbacks are counted (where the
playlist playing has not been interrupted by higher priority playlist).
The counter is reset during playlist update and at midnight.
Default is -1, which means unlimited playing.
0..100%, in 5% steps e.g. 25, or:
-70 to 0 dB, in 1dB steps, eg -30, or 0
Used when switching playlist. If set to 0 (which is default), FTP MP3
Player waits until the current song in the current playlist is finished,
before switching to this playlist. If set to 1, switching is done
immediately, interrupting the current song during playback.
When empty or set to 0, playlist items are played in the given order.
When set to 1, songs are played in pseudo-random order.
Ignored if the playlist contains less than 3 songs.
Using more playlists
Up to 100 playlists can be defined using
. If more then one playlist is set, playlists are
assigned priority by their position in the configuration file, with the first playlist listed having
the highest priority, and the last the lowest.
The Playlist to be played is determined by playlists' configurations and priorities and current
date/time .
Playlist switching is considered every minute and can happen either immediately, or after the
current song ends. This can be configured using
(see previous section abover).
The name of the playlists must be up to 12 characters (i.e. they must be in 8.3 format)
Playlist start and stop time cannot wrap up beyond 24h. In other words, a playlist
cannot be defined to start at 23:00h, and stop 02:00 on the next day. In this case two playlists
should be created, containing the same songs – the first one to start at 23:00 and stop at
23:59, and the second one to start at 00:00h, and stop at 01:59.
Solving network transmission problems
Length checking
Poor network connections can result in partial file downloads, which are not easily detectable
and result in unpredictable playback. To solve this, on unreliable network connections, it is
possible to detect incomplete files using length checking:
As well as downloading the music file, a second file containing the length of the music file is
downloaded. A simple check reveals if the whole music file has been received.
In order for length checking to be employed, files with length information have to be created on
the server. For every file (including the configuration file) another file with (second) file extension
“.len” must be created on the server(s). This “.len” file should contain just 12 digits - size of
file in bytes padded with zeroes from the left.
Configuration of the player