information for the current song
, and for the next song
Force configuration refresh using the settings in the player.cfg file by clicking on the
Force Config Update link
Force configuration refresh using the configuration settings built-in the FW of the
device by clicking on the Force config update using preset configuration link
Status Page
To navigate to the Control Page click on the “Status” button from the navigation bar. The
status page is never refreshed, so use browser refresh button to update the page contents. On
the status page you will see information about the status of the device, and the values of the
configuration settings in the player.cfg file. An example view of the status page is shown on
Illustration 1
Playlists Page
To navigate to the Playlists Page click on the “Playlists” button from the navigation bar. The
status page is never refreshed, so must click again on the button to update the page contents.
10It may happen that the name of the song being played changes to the current one that was playing just
before the click on the button, because the browser refreshes immediately while changing the song may
take 1-3 seconds. If the data does not seem correct, then use the browser refresh button to get the updated
values. If the generated from the browser refresh network traffic is not an issue for the network, using
automatic refresh is recommended.
11The next song to be played is printed only if the file cache is not empty.
Web Interface
Illustration 1: FTP MP3 Status Page