3. Physical installation
Removing sides from ILite assembly blocks
Removing sides
Why removing sides?
For transport reasons all the assembly blocks are delivered with all the sides attached. To join two assembly blocks together one of
the two sides at the adjoining edge, has to be removed.
Which sides to remove?
Either none, one or two sides of each assembly block will have to be removed, dependent on its location in the complete wall
assembly. If sides need to be detached, these are either the left or bottom side, or both left side & bottom, but never top or right
because the ILite display wall is always build from left to right and bottom to top.
No sides need to be detached from de first assembly block (coded: x.1.1) which is located in the lower left corner of the ILite
From the assembly blocks located in the first row (bottom row) of the ILite display only the left side need to be detached.
From the assembly blocks located in the first column of the ILite display only the bottom side need to be detached.
From all other assembly blocks in the ILite display as well the left side as the bottom side need to be detached.
Image 3-3
Removed sides for an ILite display H7 x V5.
R5976522 FIXED ILITE DISPLAY 05042004