Installation & Operating Instructions
“BAPI-Stat 3” Room Sensor
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] • Web:www.bapihvac.com
Specifications subject to change without notice.
rev. 01/30/14
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- Determine that the input is set up correctly in the controller’s and building automation
- Check wiring for proper termination
- Check for corrosion at either the controller or the sensor. Clean off the corrosion, re-strip
the interconnecting wire and reapply the connection. In extreme cases, replace the
controller, interconnecting wire and/or sensor.
- Label the terminals that the interconnecting wires are connected to at the sensor end
and the controller end. Disconnect the interconnecting wires from the controller and the
sensor. With the interconnecting wires separated at both ends measure the resistance
from wire-to-wire with a multimeter. The meter should read greater than 10 Meg-ohms,
open or OL depending on the meter you have. Short the interconnecting wires together
at one end. Go to the other end and measure the resistance from wire-to-wire with a
multimeter. The meter should read less than 10 ohms (22 gauge or larger, 250 feet or
less). If either test fails, replace the wire.
- Check power for proper polarity.
- Disconnect the power wires at the controller. Measure controller output for proper
power (see specifications), if the voltage is outside the limits trouble shoot controller.
Reconnect power wires to controller when finished. If the measured voltage is above
the specification limit, you may have damaged the BAPI-Stat, contact your BAPI
- Disconnect the power wires at the sensor. Measure the wires for the same voltage as
at controller. If the voltage is different from that measured at the controller troubleshoot
wire. Reconnect power wires to sensor when finished.
- Measure the power at the sensor with the power connected for proper power
(see specifications), if the voltage is outside the specification limits call your BAPI
General Diagnostics
If you need more help troubleshooting a BAPI-Stat problem, see the BAPI-Stat page on our website http://www.bapihvac.com/
BapiStat_Temp.htm for the advanced trouble shooting guide.
Unit does not operate