Balluff Network Interface
In the properties of the IO-Link module the IO-Link parameters of the respective port
can be changed.
IO-Link functions
Explanation of the possible settings in the properties of the IO-Link port
Cycle Settings
This parameter is used to reduce the IO-Link communication speed by increasing the
IO-Link cycle time. Use the scroll down menu to set the cycle time.
Data selection
The start byte of the process data can be defined with the data section offset. For the max.
input data length, the actual process data length of the IO-Link device is entered. These
settings are only for the input data.
The visible data window for the input data can now be adjusted via an IO-Link module with
appropriate process data length.
No validation:
Validation deactivated, every device will be accepted
: Manufacturer ID and device ID are compared to the module data.
The IO-Link communication is only started if there is a match. Manufacturer ID and device
ID are entered in decimal format.
: Manufacturer ID and device ID and serial number are compared to the module
data. The IO-Link communication is only started if there is a match.
Manufacturer ID and device ID are entered in decimal format, the serial number is entered
in ASCII code.