Installation Instructions
Care2 issue 7
5.2.4 Setting the SD Card Data Path
The Data Path for the “CONFIG__.DAT” file must be specified
before the SD Card can be read from or written to.
This file is created in the root directory of an SD Card when it is
formatted by a Console.
The data path can be added manually, or can be located by
browsing using the “...” button.
5.2.5 Loading Configuration from an SD Card
To load configuration data from an SD Card press the “Load ALL
Config / Setup...” button on the ConsoleConfig page.
All current configuration data will be overwritten.
5.2.6 Saving Configuration to an SD Card
To Save the current configuration to the SD Card press the “Save
ALL Config / Setup...” button on the ConsoleConfig page.
Figure 5.8 — Selecting Console #1 on the ConsoleAddress Page
: If the "CONFIG__.DAT" file cannot be found on the SD Card
then it is not correctly formatted and cannot be used.
Only SD Cards pre-formatted by a Console can be used.
: The Console Address (shown in Figure 5.8) is used to determine
the address of the Console in a Networked System.
This should be set BEFORE saving the data to the relevant SD Card.