6. Unscrew the foot tube with the intake filter
(39) from the high pressure cylinder . Attach
the foot tube to the vice, unscrew the intake
filter (39) remove the foot valve seat (38),
the foot valve assembly (37) and the valve
washer (36).
7. Clean these parts, replace in case of
damage. Assemble the pump following the
previous instructions, reversing each step.
1. Introduce a steel rod (ø 4 mm recom-
mended) through the lower grease passing
hole in the high pressure piston (29) and
unscrew it from the grease valve body (B).
2. Clean the grease valve ball (28) and its
seat in the high pressure piston (29). In case
of damage, replace the affected parts.
3. If the high pressure piston (29) is
scratched, unscrew also the high pressure
cylinder (33) from the suction tube and from
the foot tube (37) to check it. Assemble the
pump following the previous instructions,
reversing each step. NOTE: The high pres-
sure piston and cylinder must always be
replaced at the same time.
HP piston/cylinder & check valve kit