Template 40941_J 04-02-10
56129-02/56130-02_97_B 04-16-12
Manufactured under one or more of these patents. U.S. Patents: 5332944, 5361215, 5550753, 5559720, 5,883,459, 6253227, 6282370, 6590188, 6976052, 6965815, 7030343, 7,417,834 b2,
Canadian Patent: 2342614, Australian patent: 2373248 other patents both foreign and domestic applied for and pending. All material copyright of Balboa Water Group.
2” Tailpiece kit PN 55911.
Standard 2” sockets to glue up to 2” PVC pipe.
1.5” Tailpiece kit PN 55914.
1.5” sockets to glue up to 1.5” PVC pipe with the I.D.
Be sure to orient the fi ttings so that the insert is at the 12:00 position to prevent trapped air.
1” Circ Pump Insert kit PN 55912.
1” barb fi ttings for use with 1” tubing.
Be sure to orient the fi ttings so that the insert is at the 12:00 position to prevent trapped air.
1” Circ Pump Insert kit PN 55913.
One fi tting for direct coupling to the threaded suction of an appropriately-sized circ pump. A 1” barb fi tting for use with 1”
tubing is used on the other end of the heater.
Be sure to orient the fi ttings so that the insert is at the 12:00 position to prevent trapped air.
Plumbing Fittings
Not Immediately Available.
Not Immediately Available.