Step 9. After reassembly the appliance, perform a leak test
according to the instructions in this guide. Before placing the
Pizza Oven Box or other cooktop on the firebox inspect the burner
flames for proper combustion.
Step 10. Light the appliance according to the instructions provided
in this guide and look at the flame emitting from the burners. A
blue flame should emit consistently from each venture hole on the
burners [see Figure-16]. The tips of the flame may occasionally
flicker yellow while burning.
Step 11. Turn off the appliance according to the instructions
provided in this guide.
Step 12. With the appliance off and cool the touch, place the Pizza
Oven Box and other cooktop on top of the firebox [see Figure-17].
Step 13. To inspect the flame with the Pizza Oven Box in place, first
ignite the burners according to the instructions provided in this
Step 14. Once the burners have ignited, look through the match
light hole in the side of the firebox to ensure the burners are lit
[see Figure-18].
Storing Your Griddle and Pizza Box
Store griddle and pizza box inside the cabinet.
In order to extend and maintain the life and condition of your appliance, we strongly recommend that the unit be
covered when left outside for any length of time, especially during the winter months.
Customer Service
For general inquiries, please email us at [email protected] or call (855) 657-6836.
For North American customer service needs, such as obtaining replacement parts and warranty claims, please email
us at [email protected] or call (855) 657-6836.
CAUTION: The gas pressure regulator provided with this appliance must be used. Replace only with regulator Model
Number TYQ-18A.