Air Cleaner
Be sure to clean the air cleaner more frequently if you are riding in
dusty or wet areas. Your local service center can help you determine
the correct service interval for your riding conditions.
Use only the air cleaner specified for your motorcycle or one of
equivalent quality.
Using the correct air cleaner can prevent engine wear, damage,
repairs, spark plug fouling and poor gas mileage. If you use the
incorrect air cleaner you may cause severe engine damage.
Improper air cleaner maintenance can cause early engine wear or
poor performance.
Replacing Air Cleaner
1) Remove left side cover.
2) Remove air cleaner cover.
3) Remove foam air cleaner.
4) Wash foam air cleaner.
5) Replace foam air cleaner.
6) Replace left side cover.
Wash the element as the following:
1. Fill a washing pan large enough to hold the element with a nonflammable
cleaning solvent. Immerse the element in the solvent and wash it.
2. Squeeze the element by pressing it between the palms of both hands to remove
excess solvent. Do not twist or wring the element or it will develop cracks.
3. Immerse the element in another pan filled with Air filter oil. Squeeze the element
to remove excess oil. Make sure that the element remains damp with oil (but
not soaked).
Left side
foam air