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supersedes page 27 of owner’s Manual
witH geysair
- eleCTrICal InSTallaTIon & PlUMBInG
tURbIne WIth GeYsaIR
installation & pluMbing
the turbine is connected to a 120V circuit.
all electrical connections must be carried out by
a certified electrician in accordance with local
electrical requirements and codes. special attention
must be given to installation of bath’s power circuit,
and more particularly to the following points:
The electrical system must be connected to an
independent circuit protected by a
new 20 aMp
class a ground fault circuit interrupter (gfci)
and another one of 15 aMp for additonal options.
This electrical circuit must
be grounded.
canada only:
for permanently connected units.
a green-colored terminal (or a wire connector marked g,
gr, ground or grounding) is provided within the terminal
compartment (not applicable if unit supplied with an elec-
tric plug). To reduce the risk of electrocution, connect this
terminal or connector to the grounding terminal of your
electric service or supply panel with conductor equivalent in
size to the circuit conductors supplying the equipment and
12 awg
or more. InSTall ThIS UnIT In aCCordanCe
wITh The CanadIan eleCTrICal Code, ParT 1.
a service access is necessary. Minimum dimensions
are: 22” x 18” (55 cm x 46 cm) to properly reach all
electrical components of the system.
The modules of the electronic controls and the turbine must be
easily accessible at all times. Make all connections as indicated on
diagram below. ensure that
power circuit is disabled before pro-
ceeding with any electrical connections
. electrical cable feeding
bath must be at least n° 12 awG caliber.
turbine must be con-
nected to its own circuit, which, in turn must be connected
directly in breaker panel without any interrupters or dimmer
Canada only: the junction box must be attached to the
wall at the height of at least 1 1/2” (3.8 cm) from the ground.
The Geysair hose must be connected to the hot water supply
by a qualified plumber and according to the local plumbing code.
a 3/8 inch male or 1/2 inch nPT hose bibb is supplied. For
optimal performance, keep hose length to a minimum. Set
temperature on hot water heater no higher than 140°F/60°C.
for all the houses having to deal with special water condi-
tions (hard, rust, sulfur, etc) the homeowner should already
be aware of the specific measures that should be taken for
all his other appliances using water. the geysair does not
need other measures than that.