Rover Usage
When your Bad Elf Flex is operating in rover mode it behaves identically to standalone
operation using a traditional RTK feed. You may either use the Bad Eff Flex app or the Bad Elf
Flex receiver’s LCD screen to initiate rover mode. Once the Flex receiver establishes
connection with the Flex Base, the GNSS solution changes from its current mode (usually
SBAS) to float RTK and then finally to fixed RTK. The fixed position solution of your Flex Rover
is dependent on decent line-of-sight connectivity with the base.
Note: be aware that once your Bad Elf Flex begins to receive corrections, it will adopt the datum
used by the base once a fix is achieved.
For Flex to operate as a rover, the following items are required:
● Flex Extreme or Flex Standard
● Radio kit
● Optional range pole or equivalent
To prevent interference with the GNSS antenna, when attaching the radio kit to a range pole,
ensure the radio antenna does not extend above the base of the antenna cap, as shown below.
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