B aader D igiscoping-A dapter M icroS tage II is now in its w orking position and ready to carry
your cam era.
A ttach your cam era to the cam era bracket w ith clam p screw 4
as show n in F igure V.
U sing clam p screw 5, your B aader D igiscoping-A dapter M icroS tage II can now be fitted to
alm ost any eyepiece
be it a large 2" w ideangle eyepiece or a sm all 1¼ " eyepiece as in
F igures V I and V II. D epending on the position of the C am era thread, you m ight need to invert
the M icroS tage.
F ig . V I
C S 5
D igiscoping-A dapter
M icroS tage II fitted to the
B aader H yperion Z oom
E yepiece
D igiscoping-A dapter
M icroS tage II w ith 1 1/4"
B aader G enuine O rtho
E yepiece
F ig . V I
C S 3
F ig . V
C S 1
C S 2
C S 5
C S 4