6 Software TD ControlCenter
DHV0075 b2 EN
b2 electronic
Current TD Value
This field shows the currently measured TD value or the last value if
measurement has stopped. Helpful if not in Phase-View, so the current TD
value can always be observed.
Report Phase Detail
Each Phase Measurement Report consists of header which includes the TD /
TD-MC serial number it was acquired from, and the filename that it was stored
Report Block Header
For every detected voltage change during measurement the system
automatically creates a new block in the corresponding Phase Tab. Each Block
starts with a header, which gives information like the Start Time of the
measurement and the updated mean values of this block.
The “Change Phase” Button enables the user to move a selected block to
another Phase or to completely remove it from the Report. This is useful if
phase test data was mistakenly recorded under the incorrect phase number.
This can happen if the user starts a measurement under one phase but does
not change the “Currently Measured Phase Selection”. Then the whole block
can be easily moved after the full measurement block has been completed.
Report Block Measurements
This grid shows the detailed individual test measurements for each distinct
voltage. Each column is described with units in the grid header row.
Test Report File Functions – Load, Save, Print …
Use these buttons to Load, Save and Print a test report.
The Print function can also be used to create PDF document reports if a PDF
Writer or a similar PDF Printer Driver is installed.