with 128k Memory
0141 0315-57 01. April 2009
B+B Thermo-Technik GmbH | Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 4 | D-78166 Donaueschingen
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When the logger and PC are connected, the Configurator is fully loaded. Four screens are available: Communication, Channels,
Acquisitions and Diagnosis; which can be selected in the upper tabs.
In the channels selection screen, the user defines features for each channel, such as: input type, alarms, scale etc. Functions
displayed are:
Figure 2 – Channels screen
Title – Defines a name for the logger (up to 16 characters).
Channel selection – Selects the channel to be configured. Information presented/defined in the remaining fields for this screen are
related to the channel selected. Define channels that will remain active or enabled while the logger is operating in this field. It is also
possible to assign names to the input channels (up to 8 characters).
Input Type – Defines the input type for the channel selected in Channel Selection. Options are displayed in Table 01.
Measurement Unit – Defines the measurement unit to be used. For temperature sensor input, options are ºC or ºF. For 4-20 mA
and 0- 50 mV inputs it is possible to write the required unit.
Scale – For 4-20 mA and 0-50 mV input types it makes possible to make an indication scale, with the upper and lower indication
limits. For the other input types, the logger use a preset scale.
Decimal – It defines the number of decimal points to be displayed in scales configured for channels with 4-20 mA and 0-50 mV
Decimal point – When the channel is configured as thermocouple, it is possible to choose how values will be displayed: with or
without the decimal point.
ALM1/ALM2 – It makes possible to define if ALM1 and ALM2 will be used as Alarm or Digital Output. As Alarm, it is triggered as
in Alarm 1 and Alarm 2. In Digital Output, triggering takes place only through serial communication commands (Preset Single Coil).
Alarm 1/Alarm 2 – After the alarm outputs are defined, the user defines alarm Set Points in these fields; as well as the working
mode as Low or High. It also defines which output will be connected to the alarm.
The association between an output and alarms 1 and 2 is not required, but the alarm activities will be indicated in the Holding
Register 0008, and will be available to be read through serial communication.