with 128k Memory
0141 0315-57 01. April 2009
B+B Thermo-Technik GmbH | Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 4 | D-78166 Donaueschingen
Technical changes reserved
Fon +49 771 83160 | Fax +49 771 831650 | [email protected] | bb-sensors.com
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The logger has 8 input channels. You can configure the type of signal to be read by each channel. All types of input channels
accepted are factory calibrated and no further adjustment is required. The user defines and configures the channels that will be in
use, and disables the others.
The types of input channels accepted by the logger and their maximum ranges are listed in Table 01.
Thermocouple J
-50.0 to 760.0°C (-58.0 to 1400.0°F)
Thermocouple K
-90.0 to 1370.0°C (-130.0 to 2498.0°F)
Thermocouple T
-100.0 to 400.0°C (-148.0 to 752.0°F)
Thermocouple E
-35.0 to 720.0°C (-31.0 to 1328.0°F)
Thermocouple N
-90.0 to 1300.0°C (-130.0 to 2372.0°F)
Thermocouple R
0.0 to 1760.0°C (-32.0 to 3200.0°F)
Thermocouple S
0.0 to 1760.0°C (-32.0 to 3200.0°F)
Thermocouple B
150.0 to 1820.0°C (302.0 to 3308.0°F)
-200.0 to 530.0°C (-328.0 to 986.0°F)
4 – 20 mA Lin. J
Thermocouple J curve, -50.0 to 760.0°C
4 – 20 mA Lin. K
Thermocouple K curve, -90.0 to 1370.0°C
4 – 20 mA Lin. T
Thermocouple T curve, -100.0 to 400.0°C
4 – 20 mA Lin. E
Thermocouple E curve, -35.0 to 720.0°C
4 – 20 mA Lin. N
Thermocouple N curve, -90.0 to 1300.0°C
4 – 20 mA Lin. R
Thermocouple R curve, 0.0 to 1760.0°C
4 – 20 mA Lin. S
Thermocouple S curve, 0.0 to 1760.0°C
4 – 20 mA Lin. B
Thermocouple B curve, 150.0 to 1820.0°C
4 – 20 mA Lin.Pt100
Pt100 curve, -200.0 to 530.0°C
4 – 20 mA Linear
Programmable indication range from -1999 to 9999
0 – 50 mV Linear
Programmable indication range from -1999 to 9999
The speed of input channels readings depends on the number of channels enabled and type of input programmed for each channel.
Each channel requires a reading time of about 50 ms. Programmed channels with Pt100 input need more than 50 ms for cable
length compensation calculations. 150 ms are required for internal processing, regardless of the number of channels enabled. Thus,
if only one channel is enabled, readings will take place at every 200 ms (50 + 150). If this channel is programmed to Pt100, 250 ms
are required between readings (50 + 50 + 150). Required time to read the eight channels is 550 ms. If they are configured as Pt100
input, required time will be 950 ms.
The logger has two relay outputs (ALM1 and ALM2) that can work as Alarm or Digital Output.
When configured as Alarm, they act as configured by the user.
As Digital Outputs they are remotely controlled through serial communication.