Halcyon is a high performance electronic transmitting compass (sometimes known as a fluxgate
compass) designed for use on both sailing and power craft. It may be used as a compass in its own
right, or it may be coupled directly to other B&G instruments such as the B&G Hercules System,
satnavs, autopilots etc. The boat's heading may be displayed on an optional bulkhead mounting
indicator unit by a pointer with a 360° scale showing cardinal points Up to three indicators may be
fitted. The compass sensor and the indicators are fully watertight, corrosion proof and shock proof.
The unit has been designed for use at sea and is tested rigorously. A digital readout is available when
connected to the Hercules system.
One important feature of the Super Halcyon 3 is its ability to 'learn' the magnetic effect of the vessel on
the compass and automatically apply deviation correction. By following the simple procedure detailed
in Section 4 of this book. Compass errors can be reduced to an insignificant The fluxgate principle
employed in the sensor does not rely on magnets or compass cards for its operation, and offers
excellent performance in adverse conditions, with rapid recovery from turning errors. Traditional
compass characteristics, such as -swirl', are completely eliminated.
This unit is a standard B&G four-inch indicator. The dial is marked with cardinal points numerals every
30 degrees, and five degree graduations. Internal scale illumination is provided. The indicator is in the
form of an arrow, the head of which shows the ship's heading.