User Manual
Error Error conditions that generally have less serious consequences than
errors in the emergency, alert, and critical levels.
Warning Conditions that warrant monitoring.
Notice (Default) Conditions that are not errors but might warrant special
Info Events or non-error conditions of interest.
Debug Software debugging message. Specify this level only when directed by
a technical support representative.
3. Enter the IP Address where the log will be sent to and then click Add.
4. Click Apply. The IP address will appear in the Select a logging destination drop-
down menu.
5. To make changes permanent, click Save Settings.
Note: When you select a log level, all log information within this severity level and levels above
(meaning, more severe levels) will be sent to the remote host.
To disable a remote log:
1. Select the IP address to be deleted from the Select a logging destination drop-
down menu.
2. To temporarily implement the changes, click Apply.
3. To make changes permanent, click Save Settings.
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