Technical Principles
1ª review – UK 12 – 2020
Doser microswitch
Meassured in the control board in the conector
Between pins 4 and 11 will be 5 Vcc when doser is full.
Between pins 4 and 11 will be 0 Vcc when doser is empty.
Group motor microswitch
Meassured in the control board in the conector
Between pins 4 and 10will be 5 Vcc with group in erogation position.
Between pins 4 and 10will be 0 Vcc with group in charge position.
Residue tray microswitch
Meassured in the control board in the conector
Between pins 4 and 9 will be 0 Vcc when tray is in position.
Between pins 4 and 9 will be 5 Vcc when tray is not in its in position.
Floater microswitch(with hydraulic connection to the mains)
Meassured in the control board in the conector
Between pins 4 and 8 will be 5 Vcc when there is no water.
Between pins 4 and 8 will be 0 Vcc with full deposit.
Temperature sensor
Meassured in the control board in the conector
. values of resistance(ohms) should
be meassured (see values in table of PTC).