Fig. 9-1.
(8) If the output pressure has shifted from 100%, adjust the SPAN ADJ boss at the bottom of
the feedback bellows as follows:
If the output is higher than 100%, turn the boss so that the output becomes lower than
100% by an amount of 1/4 of the shift. (For example, if the output is 104%,. turn the boss
so that the output becomes 100 - 1/4 × 4 - 99(%)).
If the output is lower than 100%, turn the boss so that the output becomes higher than
100% by an amount of 1/4 of the shift. (For example, if the output is 98%, turn the boss so
that the output becomes 100 + 1/2 × 2 = 100.5(%))
The span can be adjusted also by turning the feedback bellows by inserting a pin into the
SPAN ADJ PIN HOLE instead of adjusting the SPAN ADJ boss. As you turn the feedback
bellows, the span changes as follows:
Clockwise turn of bellows:Output increases. (Span becomes wider.)
Couterclockwise turn of bellows:Output decreases. (Span becomes narrower.)
(9) Repeat procedures (5) - (8) until the required accuracy is attained.