TASER Bolt 2 Energy Weapon User Manual
Chapter 4: TASER Bolt 2 Energy Weapon and Cartridge Features
forward (ARMED) position.
Aim the LASER beam at the attacker’s body.
Shout verbal commands to “get away,” if feasible. It is possible that the person will flee based
on the noise and LASER.
If you determine that you need to deploy the Bolt 2 energy weapon in self-defense, ensure that
you are within 15 feet (4.6 meters) of the attacker.
Press the firing button.
The TASER Safe Escape: Immediately put the Bolt 2 down and escape to safety. The TASER Bolt 2
is unlike most weapons in that it is built for you to escape to safety. After connecting with the
target, the Bolt 2 will continue to administer electricity for 30 seconds (and if used properly NMI
will continue for 30 seconds) regardless of whether you are still holding the weapon. Therefore,
put the Bolt 2 on the ground and run to safety, call police, grab your children, or do whatever
you need to do to ensure your safety with the 30 seconds the TASER Bolt 2 has given you.
As soon as it is safe to do so, call 911 and report the specific location of the threat.
See below for the TASER Safe Escape Policy on how to get your TASER energy weapon replaced
for free when used in Self-Defense and left at the scene.
“Silence is Golden”
The TASER energy weapon’s electrical current is relatively quiet when both probes make direct contact
with a human and an electrical circuit is completed and maintained. In contrast, an open circuit or
some practice conductive targets produce a loud sound when used because the energy is arcing in
the air across the Bolt 2 energy weapon’s fixed electrodes.
If the electrical current is loud during field deployment, and the subject is not reacting as expected,
the current may be shorting out and may not be effective. Deploy a second cartridge or consider other
options in that situation.
Potential Causes of Reduced or No Effectiveness
Loose or Thick Clothing.
If the probes lodge in clothing and are too far away from the attacker,
energy weapon effectiveness is reduced and can be eliminated.
Miss or Single Probe Hit.
The electrical current must pass between the two probes in a completed
and maintained circuit. If one probe misses, a second cartridge should be deployed if practical.
Also, using the Bolt 2 energy weapon in the drive-stun mode as described below may also complete
the circuit between the single probe and the energy weapon electrode. You may also consider
upgrading to the TASER X2 or TASER 7 Professional Series (available on buy.taser.com), which are a
2-shot devices that fire a second cartridge immediately with a second trigger pull.
Low Nerve or Muscle Mass.
If the probes impact in an area where there is very little muscle mass
(e.g., the side of the rib cage), the effectiveness can be significantly diminished.
Limited Probe Spread.
Small probe spreads (including drive-stun) result in little or no effect from
NMI. They will however still function as a pain-control device.
Wires Break.
If a wire breaks (e.g., during a struggle), the current will not flow to the probes. Contact
stun may still be available.
What if I Miss?
The LASER sight is an extremely valuable aid for proper aiming. However, there is always the chance
for a missed shot, especially in a dynamic, stressful situation, and you must be prepared to take
alternative actions to protect yourself in case of a missed shot or reduced effectiveness. In the event