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Safety regulations for machine operator
-Do not start up the machine before having got up the content of this manual.
-Check up whether electric cables are not damaged so as an electric current fading would not cause an injury
(electric shock).
-Check up regularly whether safety coverings are properly mounted and if they are undamaged.
-Damaged coverings repair immediately or replace with other ones.
-Do not start the machine with removed protecting covering.
-Never use deformed or cracked tools.
-Replace blunt tools as soon as possible, for blunt tools often cause injuries or damages.
-Never use tools at higher speed than recommended by its producer.
-Stop all machine functions before replacing of tools.
-Do not remove in any else interfere to safety elements like coverings, interlocking switches, nor practice its mutual
-Require an assistance for manipulation with parts exceeding your abilities.
-At a storm we recommend: Do NOT operate at the machine.
Safety regulations for maintenance
Get up manual instruction for machine maintenance manual in all points before starting any maintenance work.
-Before beginning with maintenance works: Stop always the ma-chine and
disconnect the
machine by towing off the plug form socket. Herewith you avoid
an occasional starting of machine by chance by another else person.
-A qualified person must practice maintenance works on electric parts.
-The machine is not disconnected from voltage when it gets stopped. Stop always
the machine and disconnect the machine
by towing off the plug form socket.
-Do not clean the machine or its peripheral system if machine is completely out of run as long as the machine is not
stopped and the plug towed out from the mains socket.
-Keep your fingers distant from belts and belts pulleys. Before exchange of machine electric parts -Stop always the
machine and disconnect the machine by towing off the plug form socket.
-For replacing of defected products use those consistent with specification of originals.
-Do not remove or do up blocking of interlocking switch.
-Keep always tidy the space for maintenance including your working place.
Maintenance work must be practiced by qualified personnel in turn with producer’s
Read through all the instructions manual for maintenance manual carefully.
For an exchange of parts and needy subjects - ensure in advance equal ones with the original type or corresponding
with the norms.
-Use only specified brands of lubricant (oil or grease) or with these equal ones.
-Do not use compressed air for machine cleaning or removing of wood chips.
-Control results of maintenance in presence of a responsible person.