Section 4
19. Install a new locking washer and a spindle
20. Use a spanner wrench (part number 5231) to
tighten the nut to 295 lb-ft ( 400 Nm).
Make sure the locking washer moves free
between the nut and the ring gear.
21. While rotating the hub, tap ring gear to check
that the assembly is correctly fitted. Recheck
the spindle nut torque.
22. Back the spindle nut off 1/16 turn.
If the lock washer tangs do not align
with the adjusting nut, back off the
adjusting nut enough to align the tangs.
Do not bend the lock washer tangs back
too far. If the tangs are bent too far back,
the lock washer will not function
23. Bend the lock washer tangs into the grooves
in the wheel bearing adjusting nut. Keep the
tangs at a 45 degree angle to the ring gear
hub face.
24. Install the axle shaft.
25. Fit coupling and sun gear.