Using Presets
The preset treatment regimens of the micro5 have been determined after years of clinical use. They represent
the most effective parameters for those indications. However you can manually over-ride and vary any of the
parameters especially if you have preferred settings or are not getting the desired results.
With microcurrent stimulation it is important to determine the type of pain being treated. Upon evaluation, try
to identify the pain as acute or chronic.
Electrical stimulation is still part science part art. There have not been definitive settings established for vari
ous conditions. However some general guidelines can be used with confidence.
1.”A”.The “A” preset can be used for acute pain patients. The settings are designed to bring about the most
rapid pain relief. If you feel the condition is an acute exacerbation of an existing condition then treat with “A”
for 15 minutes followed by “C” for 15 minutes. If inflammation is present use “A” for 15 minutes followed by
“E” for 15 minutes.
2. “C”. The “C” preset can be used with low grade pain patients. Dull, aching pain would be a typical descrip-
tion of the pain usually treated with “C”.
3. “E”.The “E” preset can be used if there is inflammation present. This setting can be used after treatment us
ing another preset.
4. “M”.The “M” preset is user defined. See section on new features.
S.”I”.The “I’ preset is used when a large area is treated. This preset uses both channels to deliver the current
through four pads. The micro5 uses both a rate scan and vector scan. When using the “I” preset you will notice
the numbers on the display might change rapidly during treatment. This is normal and reflects the operation of
the rate and vector scan. To over-ride the “I” preset settings, press “ENT ‘ then enter the parameters you want,
then press START.
After the instrument has been turned on and successfully passed the diagnostic check, it can be programmed
for treatment. Select the channel to be used or press COMB to program both channels at once. (A tone should
be heard whenever a panel key is pressed. This confirms a selec tion has been made. If you do not hear a tone,
press the button again until a tone is heard.) When a channel has been selected, the MICROAMPS setting
will flash for that channel. This confirms that programming can begin. Now simply select the desired preset
(A,C,E,M or I).
The settings for that selection will now appear on the LCD display for that channel. If these are the settings
you want you may begin treatment by pressing START. After the START key has been pressed you will see
the minute or second indicator in the time field begin to flash. This con firms that treatment has begun and the
timer is counting down. Every ten seconds during treatment a beep is heard to confirm that the instrument is
running. This beep can be turned off by pressing the START key during treatment. After time has elapsed, a
series of tones are heard to signal the end of treatment.