6) EMM configuration
EMM contains CAS supplier private information which for example specifies the authorization levels
of subscribers or groups of subscribers. EMM generator is an external server from CAS supplier
which produces EMM messages and repeatedly sends them to the headend.
EMM configuration is divided to two tables: EMM Generators and list of generated EMMs.
EMM Generator table:
- Name:
Only used in web interface to easily identify separate EMMG servers
- IP filter <optional>:
By default different EMM generators are separated by Client ID and this cell
can be left empty. But if IP address is entered, only connections from this address are allowed.
- CAS:
CA-System from the CAS table.
- Client ID <optional>:
The value EMMG uses to identify itself (info from CAS supplier). Often
‘Super_CAS_id’ is used as ‘client_id’, so can be left empty and device automatically uses
‘Super_CAS_id’ of the selected CAS.
EMM List table:
- EMM Generator:
Name from EMM Generator table
- Data ID <optional>:
EMMG identifies separate streams by ‘data_id’. If left empty, all ‘data_id’s get
- Bandwidth:
Allocated bandwidth (kbps) for this EMM stream. It is responsibility of the EMMG to
actually maintain the bitrate.
- Private Data <optional>:
Arbitrary binary data included as ‘private_data’ in the CA_descriptor for
this EMM.
- Status:
EMM receiving status.