UHF Analog Driver/Transmitter/
Chapter 3, Site Considerations,
Installation and Setup Procedures
LX Series, Rev. 3
Above 4000 feet, for external
venting, the air vent on the cabinet
top must be increased to an 8-inch
diameter for a 1 kW transmitter
and to a 10 inch diameter for 5 kW
and 6 kW transmitters. An
equivalent rectangular duct may be
used but, in all cases, the outlet
must be increased by 50% through
the outlet screen.
It is recommended that a site plan
be submitted to Axcera for
comments before installation
In calculating the blower requirements,
filter size, and exhaust size, if the total
load is known in watts, 2000 CFM into ½
inch of water will be required for each
5000 watts. If the load is known in BTUs,
2000 CFM into ½ inch of water will be
required for each 17,000 BTUs. The inlet
filter must be a minimum of seven square
feet, larger for dusty and remote
locations, for each 5000 watts or 17,000
BTUs. The exhaust must be at least four
square feet at the exhaust screen for
each 5000 watts or 17,000 BTUs.
The information presented in this section
is intended to serve only as a general
guide and may need to be modified for
unusually severe conditions.
A combination of air conditioning and
ventilation should not be difficult to
design (see Figure 3-1).
System interlocking and thermostat
settings should be reviewed with Axcera.
As with any equipment installation, it is
always good practice to consult the
manufacturer when questions arise.
Axcera can be contacted at (724) 873-
Figure 3-1. 1 kW Minimum Ventilation Configuration