AWG I Operating manual I Fittings I
Inductors Z2, Z4 and Z8
M1061B10 I Rev. 01-02/20
31 / 40
Hazards during use
The handling of foam agents or other additives can be hazardous to
– Wear personal protective equipment in accordance with fire ser-
vice regulations.
– Always wear eye protection.
Foaming agent product information
Observe the information on health hazards and potential environ-
mental hazards (e.g. water hazard class) provided in the safety data
sheet and other product information for the foam agent used.
Use of different foam agents
Foam agents from different manufacturers and different
products or types must not be mixed. Applied extinguishing
foams are compatible without any problems.
Orientation of the inductor
The suction function of the inductor is assured in any installation or op-
erating position, including vertical or overhead.
When used overhead or in lying position, it must be made sure that
pressure is applied to the inductor inlet all the time to enable the check
ball to close, preventing water from being pressed into the foam agent
container when the container is lower than the inductor.
Permanent installation
We recommend installing a DN20
stop valve between the adapter of
the suction device and the foam
agent container.
Support foot mounting holes:
2 x Ø
mm, clearance 73